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Solutions for Bioskills Labs in Non-Traditional Spaces

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Do you ever find yourself planning and executing lab events in hotels, conference centers, technical colleges or other non-traditional lab spaces? As Forest Gump says, “It happens.” Whether you are tied to a geographic location without a dedicated bioskills lab nearby or the labs you want are booked on your date, you are looking to meet a particular budget, or any other reason, when you find yourself planning an event in a space that is not primarily designed for labs, here are some helpful tips to ensure your event is a success for all involved.

Have a great contact person at the facility

Banquet and meeting-space staff in hotels may not be experienced in this type of event, and you want to make sure they understand your needs. You need to educate them and confirm they are available the day of the event to troubleshoot unforeseen issues. If you’re holding an event at a surgery center or a college or university, make sure you know who controls access to the building and that you will have access when you need it, particularly if deliveries are needed after normal business hours. And be aware of what you can and cannot use at the facility.

Pay extra attention to equipment needs

When you’re holding a lab in a facility designed for labs, it is easy to ask for “one more” of something during the event- they may have it in inventory. When you are in a non-traditional space, you need to order enough equipment, and then extras of the things you know from experience you may also need.
Some things to consider: scrubs, table drapes, Chux, 4x4s, Sharps containers, PPE, packing tape/duct tape/Coban, air fresheners for odor control, and disinfectant wipes.

Anticipate special requirements

Air circulation and filtration, floor covering, lighting, internet connection, electrical needs, audio/visual needs, and waste disposal are all things to address when planning labs in non-traditional spaces. Do you need buckets for carrying water or waste containers to capture liquids and then a way to solidify them? Most hotels will not allow anything from a lab to be put down their drains. If you’re holding an event at a hotel it may be necessary to have radiation signage to post outside the door if C-arms will be in use. You might also need to set up a temporary changing area within a ballroom for a men’s and women’s changing area and a place for attendees to store their clothing and luggage.

Holding bioskills labs in non-traditional spaces can be an excellent solution for your needs. When you take into consideration the above tips, you can provide a first-rate experience for participants, planners, and even the facility itself.

For more bioskills lab tips send us an email or give us a call at 888-747-1190 and speak with a knowledgeable MEDSource, Inc. teammate.